Wai Chu


Watch Bennett in action What kind of items do you fix? Jewellery and sometimes eyeglasses and watches. Miscellaneous jobs like gluing china or small jobs with metal. When did you first start volunteering with Repair Café Toronto? November 2014 Day Job Retired Ontario civil servant – Government accountability and risk […]


What kind of items do you fix? I mend clothes. Sometimes I use a machine, but I prefer to hand mend. I love patching jeans and darning holes in sweaters. When did you first start volunteering with Repair Café Toronto? I am a new volunteer at the Repair Café. I’ve […]


Watch Aaron in action What kind of items do you fix? Household electronics; stereos, appliances etc. When did you first start volunteering with Repair Café Toronto? May 2013, original fixer Day Job Software developer Favourite Location Toronto Reference Library Quote “Technically, food is never inside your body.” Why did you […]