Wai Chu

The World We Are Building

81 events across the city… Expanded initiatives such as children’s events, farmer’s markets, mini cafes, Sunday workshops… 100 + volunteers, with more young people joining as apprentice fixers… Record high numbers of collaborative ventures with partners from diverse institutions… 1,978 items fixed and diverted from landfill, bringing it to 6,050 […]

Wood Chair

The Repair Café team visited the United Church on Roncesvalles for the first time on October 27. It was wonderful to meet the local community in this west end neighbourhood. Throughout the event, the visitors arrived steadily with all kinds of household items. And when they were leaving, many expressed they were satisfied and […]


What kind of items do you fix? Mostly appliances, electrical appliances. Things I don’t like are impossible to open or close again. When did you start volunteering with Repair Café Toronto? Close to 3 years now. What is your day job? I am a lucky retired person. During my career, […]