Paul Magder and Maggie De Bruyne were featured in this CBC clip, Need Something Fixed? by Laura Pedersen (January 27, 2024).
Repair Café co-founders Fern Mosoff, Paul Magder and Wai Chu Cheng, as well as fixer Julie Chu were featured in the Toronto Star article, “The fix is in: How Repair Café and other organizations are changing the way we reuse things” written by Celeste Percy-Beauregard (October 2, 2022).
Repair Café co-founders Wai Chu Cheng and Paul Magder were quoted in the CBC News article, “Don’t buy new, fix the old: The repair business is booming” written by Diane Buckner (March 3, 2020).
Repair Café co-founder Paul Magder was interviewed by Global News Radio, “Repair Cafe encourages people to reduce waste by repairing old items not buying new” (March 4, 2020).
Repair Repair Café co-founders Wai Chu Cheng and Paul Magder were quoted in the CBC News article, “Don’t buy new, fix the old: The repair business is booming” written by Diane Buckner (March 3, 2020). fixer, Dan Eylon, was featured in the Costo Connection article “Mr. Fix-It” (Issue March/April, 2020).
Repair Café at Chinese Mennonite Church held in November was covered by Chinese newspaper Sing Tao Daily in three articles, focusing on the event, the church’s volunteers and one of our co-founders (Nov. 12, 2017).
Our volunteer fixer, Louis, was featured in the article “Mr. Fix It to the Rescue”, RBC’s Pensioner Magazine (Issue 1, 2007)
Repair Café co-founder, Wai Chu Cheng being featured in the April 2017 issue of Canadian Living magazine in the article “10 amazing Canadians making the world a cleaner, greener place” by Shanda Deziel (Mar 21, 2017).
Our book repair fixer, Andy Schoenhofer, was featured on Volunteer Toronto’s facebook page and website (February 27, 2017).
An article “Repair Café Toronto aims to help ‘breathe life back’ into treasured processions” in Yahoo Finance Canada by Michael Shulman (February 23, 2017).
An interview with the CBC radio “The Current” on the episode entitled Sweden gives tax breaks to repair – not replace – broken objects (October 12, 2016).
An article “In a Fix” by Sarah Steinberg in On The UP magazine (Issue Six “Makers”, Fall 2016, page 24-25). It is a bilingual publication of the Union Pearson Express and the magazine copies are available on the train for passengers to pick up and take home.

An article in the Portuguese language weekly Milénio, “A Citizens’ Movement: The Repair Café” by Ilda Januario (October 2015, page 10). Here is the translated version:
Agincourt Library’s Blog, “Repair Café – A True Sense of Community” by Suk Yin (September 27, 2015)
An Interview at CBC’s Metro Morning in April 2015.
An article in Sprout magazine, “Dare to Repair” by Sam Turchan (December 2014). Here are interviews with a co-founder, a fixer and a visitor at the November 22 café. (3:30)
An article in The Varsity, the University of Toronto’s campus newspaper, “If it’s broke, they’ll fix it” by Joseph Ianni (September 21, 2014)
The Repair Café was covered live in the episode “Zero Waste” of the CBC Radio show “What a Waste“. Look for the segment from 6:20 to 8:00.
An article in the Toronto Star, “A Q & A with Toronto Repair Café Organizer Paul Magder” (August 11, 2014)
The first Repair Café in Sheridan College took place on April 10 at the Oakville campus with the support of Repair Café Toronto. See the article by Maddy Sommerville in Sheridan Sun “Shedding Light on the Repair Café” (April 17–24, 2014 issue)
Repair Café in the Danforth East Community festival was featured in the Radio Canada programme “”Le Téléjournal“. (6 pm, Saturday, April 12, 2014, segment at 11:07)
Voici le lien télévisuel du reportage de Radio-Canada lors de leur visite au
Repair Café Toronto tenu au Toronto Tool Library East. Le reportage était
projeté au Téléjournal Ontario le 12 avril. Faire avancer à 11:07.
An article on Ming Pao Daily News, a Toronto Chinese newspaper in Canada, with the headline “Repair Café – Free Repairs, Learning by Doing” (February 4, 2014)
An article in This Magazine, “Reduce, Reuse, Repair: The New Repair Movement Wants Us Put Away Our Wallets and Take Out Our Screwdrivers” by Vincent Colistro (January/February 2014)
An article on, “Repair Café Toronto aims for less disposable society” (January 8, 2014)
An interview with Reader’s Digest Magazine (November 2013)
An article in the Toronto Star, “Repair Café brings new life to broken items, and new skills to their owners” (August 9, 2013)
The editors of Toronto’s NOW Magazine select Repair Café Toronto as one of the top three events in the city (August 8 – 14, 2013)
A video about Repair Café Toronto by Canadian Press includes an interview with two of the co-founders (July 19, 2013)
The launch of Repair Café Toronto showcased in The Grid (Print issue: May 30 to June 5, 2013, page 11 as below)

Two of the co-founders of Repair Café Toronto speak with Torontoist (May 15, 2013)
An interview with Green Moxie (May 13, 2013)