Wai Chu

Repair is teamwork!

On the sunny afternoon of March 24, the Repair Café team visited Cedarbrae Library in Scarborough. The library is a beautiful space recently renovated. We set up various repair stations in the atrium and the auditorium. Thanks to the terrific support of our host library staff, the café ran smoothly. Many […]

Introducing the Fixer’s Apprentice

The Repair Café team returned to one of our favourite locations, Central Neighbourhood House, on Saturday, February 24. We were welcomed by many visitors from the neighbourhood who were already lining up before we were open. We had a great turnout of volunteers and visitors, thanks to the wonderful support […]

Three More!

Our latest full Repair Café held at the Toronto Reference Library on January 20 drew a record high number of 171 visitors. A variety of broken items including lamps, vacuum cleaners, computers, books, jewellery and clothing items were brought in. Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, an estimated 141 […]