Photograph by Wai Chu Cheng We were back at Skills for Change on March 19 and as always had a diverse group of visitors. This time we had more children. They not only brought items to be fixed but also participated actively in the repair process with their fixers. They […]

Repair Café Attracts Young Visitors

Photographs by Heather Ramsay and Lon Appleby On Feb 27, the Repair Café returned to one of our favourite community centres, Central Neighbourhood House (CNH). Once again, we had our workstations set up in the gym with colourful murals painted on the walls. It was another successful event. A big […]

Thank You to Central Neighbourhood House!

At the Repair Café, we take pride in the ability of our volunteers to handle different repair challenges. We are not just a community event. We also get a lot of things fixed, and people walk away learning something they never knew before. January’s Repair Café at STEAMLabs was a terrific success. […]

4 hours,158 items, bring it on…