The Repair Café on September 13 brought many first time and returning visitors despite the drizzling weather. The first visitor, Tony Chug, showed up an hour early. When he saw us setting up, he enthusiastically lent us his helping hand, and an hour and a half later, he left smiling with his lamp fixed and offered to volunteer when we return to Skills for […]

The Repair Café Effect

Once again we broke more records at the Repair Café in terms of number of visitors and items fixed. We were invited back by the Toronto Reference Library on August 9 and this time there were visitors waiting 20 minutes before the Café opened. One hundred and nine items were seen, […]

The Most Successful Repair Café Yet!

On July 12, we had another successful Repair Café at Skills for Change. It was wonderful to have new volunteers joining our fixer team. Samuel, one of our new fixers, who is also our youngest fixer (15 years old!), told us that he joined the Repair Café for the learning experience […]

Come Join the Repair Café – New Volunteers are Welcome!