On July 12, we had another successful Repair Café at Skills for Change. It was wonderful to have new volunteers joining our fixer team. Samuel, one of our new fixers, who is also our youngest fixer (15 years old!), told us that he joined the Repair Café for the learning experience […]

Come Join the Repair Café – New Volunteers are Welcome!

On Saturday, June 14, the Repair Café visited a new neighbourhood – North York. Our team of volunteers, who travelled from different parts of Toronto and outside the city, gathered at the North York Central Library with their toolkits to help the visitors fix their household items, including computers and […]

Repair Café continues to reach out to different neighbourhoods

On a sunny Saturday May 10, the Repair Café held its first anniversary event at Skills for Change in the St. Clair West neighbourhood. At its 11th monthly gathering, our volunteer fixers once again helped fix all kinds of household items: computers and electronics, small appliances and furniture, clothes, jewellery, books, […]

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