Thanks to all the volunteers and visitors who joined the Repair Café on March 8! This time, we have our youngest visitor, Simon, telling us what he has learned on fixing his backgammon board! Watch the video above. Two of our volunteer fixers, Renae and Phil, who are specialized in 3D printing, teamed up to fix a motorized […]

Repair Café at March Break

We had the 8th monthly Repair Café held at the Toronto Reference Library on February 8th. This was the first time the Repair Café reached out to the neighbourhood in the downtown core. If you had happened to pass by the Café, you would have been drawn into the energy that filled the room, with […]

Repair Café at Toronto Reference Library

[wppa type=”photo” photo=”115″ size=”580″ align=”center”][/wppa] Have a broken computer or electronics item at home? Bring it to the Repair Café at the Toronto Reference Library this coming Saturday. Not only can you save money from buying a new one, but you can also learn how to fix it yourself. Repair is […]

Repair is Better than Recycling – Join the Repair Café Feb 8!