Happy New Year! Looking back, we are proud to say that we accomplished a lot in 2019. We provided 125 free community events. That is two to three events on average each week. In addition, in response to the demand for a place to go to not just repair things […]

Our Impact

We just marked our 6th anniversary! On May 25, Repair Café returned to Toronto Chinese Mennonite Church (TCMC). It was our 66th monthly full café. On June 8, we held our annual picnic at Christie Pits Park to celebrate our anniversary. Both events went very well. We would like to […]

Repair Café Celebrates Our 6th Anniversary!

As our 6th anniversary approaches, our growth is stronger than ever, in large part led by the increasing engagement of all generations in the repair movement. Repair Café Toronto has been growing steadily since we launched our first café in May of 2013. In particular, we offered many more repair […]

Fixing Together Across Generations