As our 6th anniversary approaches, our growth is stronger than ever, in large part led by the increasing engagement of all generations in the repair movement. Repair Café Toronto has been growing steadily since we launched our first café in May of 2013. In particular, we offered many more repair […]

Fixing Together Across Generations

On February 23, Repair Café returned to one of our favourite community locations at Central Neighbourhood House (CNH) on Ontario Street in the east side of Toronto. The photo above was taken with the CNH Community Development Coordinator, Touhida Choudhury (second from right), and her volunteers and students (from left […]

A Mother, A Son, & A Great Community

Repair Café had a great start in the new year! On Saturday January 19, we returned to Toronto Reference Library and offered our first full café in 2019. In spite of the cold and snowy weather, we had the highest turnout of volunteers and received the most broken household items […]

A New Record at Toronto Reference Library!