The Repair Café visited Trinity St. Paul’s Centre in the Bloor and Spadina neighbourhood on Saturday, August 25. We had a terrific turnout of volunteers and visitors for this latest full café. It was great to see a lot of energy in the room. There were different types of household fixing ranging […]

Badge of Honour

Have you come to a Repair Café? Peek into its heart and soul through the eyes of videographer Planet Mind at our April 2018 event at the Toronto Chinese Mennonite Church.

Inside a Repair Café

On Saturday, July 21, the Repair Café team visited Ralph Thornton Community Centre and Queen/Saulter Library for our monthly café. This was our third consecutive year visiting this location at Queen Street East and it was once again a successful café! This time, Wai Chu and Lon from Repair Café […]

A Conversation With a Repair Café Host