On October 18th in The Hague, Repair Café International organized the world’s largest repair café to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Repair Café. The call for flags from repair cafés around the world resulted in a spectacular display throughout the venue. Also to commemorate this special anniversary, this wonderful documentary was made.
The following day was International Repair Day and Repair Café Toronto held an event at Toronto Reference Library where we flew a line of fabulous flags created by our volunteers. This brilliant bunting was made with the ingenuity and heart of our volunteers to show what Repair Café is all about: repairing, collaboration, volunteering and shared commitment to a sustainable future.
We are proud of the accomplishment of Repair Café International, we are proud to be part of this global movement and proud of repairers around the world with their remarkable skills, dedication and spirit. We are proud of the valuable role played by community repair activities in growing the needed skills and enthusiasm for fixing our broken stuff. Further support is needed to boost the role repair plays in moving our culture away from its throw-away mindset and towards a more sustainable, circular economy
For inspiration check out the links in this post.
Documentary Video of 15 years of Repair Café International
October Celebration at The Hague